
Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick Departs AARO

On November 8th, the anticipated departure of Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick as head of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) was announced in a statement by The Department of Defense. The DOD praised Dr. Kirkpatrick for investigating over 800 UAP reports during his tenure. By contrast, MUFON has investigated 135,000 cases since 1969. Kirkpatrick will end a distinguished 27-year career in December. The DOD has not yet announced his replacement.

Kirkpatrick, a physicist, headed AARO for 18 months and it was marked by controversy. Retired intelligence community whistle blower Major David Grusch testified under oath to Congress that the United States was covering up what the government knows about UAPs. Grusch claimed that the U.S. has “non-human biologic material” as well as crash debris. Kirkpatrick countered him by stating AARO had found nothing to suggest agents such as aliens were visiting Earth. Kirpatrick also claimed Grush turned down multiple attempts AARO made to him for interviews. Grusch, in turn, fired back that Kirkpatrick and AARO never reached out to him.

Perhaps, when the DOD works out their drama, they may look to the steady hand of MUFON to find answers using our vast database, investigations completed by our trained cadre of Field Investigators and the statistical work we do. 800 cases are hardly a dent in the phenomenon. However, we are encouraged that the government has set up AARO. In the meantime, MUFON will continue to work with our colleagues in Congress such as Representative Tim Burchett of Tennessee and Representative Andre Carson of Indiana.

By Bob Spearing MUFON Director of International Investigations