Linda Rafuse – MUFON Canada National Director – Certified Field Investigator – Regional Asia Director – MUFON ERT

Linda Rafuse, a seasoned Investigator with an insatiable curiosity for the unknown has called southwest Nova Scotia home for 50 plus years. From a young age, having her own experience with two UAPs, Linda’s fascination in ufology and the mysteries of the universe set her on a conventional path of learning.

She has worked in the museum field for 35 years, and has recently retired from her work after managing a year-round county museum along with a seasonal Nova Scotia Museum site

In 2024, Linda became the MUFON Canada National Director.

Moreover, she strongly encourages everyone to consider becoming a MUFON Member and/or a Field Investigator. We have a qualified Team that will assist you. Please, click “BECOME A FIELD INVESTIGATOR AND BECOME A MEMBER” in the link above and will get in contact.

Fernanda Pires – MUFON Director of CAG International for Central & South America – Canada Regional Director – MUFON ERT – CFI3 – MUFON Canada Website builder & editor – International Consultant – Revista Ufo’s Columnist – Screenwriter – Executive Director of MUFON Canada Website – Varginha Incident Book Co-Producer – UFO Case – CIFE Founder – Moment of Contact Co-producer – Encounters Latin America Producer

Fernanda Pires is MUFON Director of CAG International for Central & South America – MUFON Canada Regional Director, She is the Founder and President of CIFE (Scientific Channel of UFO’s Phenomena & Space Research – Portuguese: Canal Informativo de Fontes/Fenômenos Extraterrestres e Espaciais) www.cife.ca – Articles Writer, Speaker, Entrepreneur, MUFON Experiencer Resource Team ERT, Certified Field Investigator, GARPAN Investigator – Investigation Professionnelle en Ufologie Civile, Co-Producer of the Documentary “Moment of Contact” Varginha’s Case – The Roswell of Brazil with James Fox, Producer of the “Encounters Latin America” Documentary, Associate Director of the book “Varginha Incident” jointly with Pacaccini The Main Investigator of Varginha’s case 1996 – The Book will be publish in North America (Canada and the United States) and also in several other countries.

Fernanda’s UFO research and alien abduction investigation has been one of her greatest purposes up to now. Her UFO research started when she was 17 years old when she had a deep desire to understand the reason “why” of our existence. She used to have strange dreams about herself flying in the air, seeing spaceships, stranger creatures way before she could even begin to understand about UFOs. Based on this and many more reasons, she started doing abduction investigations cases in Brazil and Canada. Likewise, Fernanda has investigated an abduction case that was published on “Jornal Le Montreal”, also published on a Civilian UFO Investigation website.

“Furthermore, MUFON’s purpose is to scientifically study the UFOs phenomena for the benefit of humanity and as a ufologist I have the same goals, also being part of this Sharp Team is a great achievement. In addition to everything, I must mention that I am very grateful to be the Website builder of MUFON Canada and also in charge to the articles and the Journal, she said to MUFON Newsletter“. 

Late of 2021, Fernanda Pires was invited to be part of a UFO Documentary in which she became the Co-Producer directed by James Fox. This Documentary is about an alleged 1996 UFO crash in Varginha Brazil – The Roswell of Brazil. The case is reported seeing more than 1 strange creatures and a UFO crash. 

“We did an interview with the 3 girls that had a close encounter with a being described as about 4 feet tall, with brown oily skin, a large head and huge red eyes. They ran away after they saw the creature and one of the girls’ mothers immediately went back to the spot of the sighting, saw foot prints, and had a strong smell of rotten egg and ammonia in the air. One of the creature was supposedly taken to the hospital Regional before being transferred to the larger Humanitas hospital. Then, it was taken for an autopsy to the University of Campinas. Reportedly, two others were taken to the University of São Paulo for examination and after to the USA.”

“As ufologists, it is our role to put our questions and our knowledge to use and apply them to ufology research. Based on direct observations, in the presence of evidence, and on the nature of the facts presented, we can ascertain the veracity of the stories reported. We must reconcile science with consciousness to better understand the mysteries of our existence, our planet and what exists beyond it. Perhaps, we, human beings, could actually be inching towards the unification of the whole, meaning that all scientific research and other areas of studies, working jointly, will be able to reach the long-awaited answer, in the manner of a puzzle coming together. We are all together on this tireless journey of knowledge in search of truth and evolution.” Also, based on my investigations, the number of reported alien abductions has risen, and they have been living among humans since the beginning of creation. Ufology is in absolutely everything. It’s in our DNA. Studying ufology, astronomy and archaeology is to discover human existence itself, Fernanda Pires”

Kurtis Blacq – MUFON Canada Assistant National Director, Chief National Case Analyst, MUFON Canada Website Editor, Certified Field Investigator

Kurtis became a Certified Field Investigator because the opportunity aligned with several of his personal and professional interests. These include exploring the reality & implications of the UAP phenomena, leveraging his career experience in technology & education, and applying a detail-oriented objective approach to examining data. Most importantly, he is passionate about contributing to a grassroots movement to educate the public and bring greater awareness to the reality of this subject.

In his role as Assistant National Director, Kurtis has worked closely with the MUFON leadership team to create a nation wide case management process that he continues to maintain and refine. He also creates statistical analysis and reporting to determine themes and trends of sightings across not only Canada, but globally leveraging the international MUFON Case Management System that contains well over 120,000 reports and continues to grow. He has directly contributed to the research of the Sky Canada Project, a division of the Office of the Chief Science Advisor (OCSA) within the Government of Canada, that has been studying how UAP reports from the public are documented within the country.

Kurtis feels privileged to be a part of the MUFON Canada team. With a fascination of UAP-related phenomena spanning over two decades, he has immersed himself in the subject through extensive research and by simply letting the data lead his journey. The most influential investigators that have guided his research have been Jacques Vallée, John Mack, and Richard Dolan. “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” – Sir Isaac Newton

Keven Luengo – CAG International, MUFON Experiencer Research Team ERT – Certified Field Investigator

Kevin Luengo, a former Military and Police Officer in France, witnessed a triangular-shaped UFO at the age of 3 when he was at his mother’s company during the wave of UFOs in France on November 5th, 1990.

Subsequently, this experience gave him the desire and motivation to unravel the mystery of the “Unidentified Aerospace Phenomenon” therefore, he became a Field Investigator. Currently, he is part of the Experiencer Resource Team (ERT) which provides listening, help and support on the subject of the Contacts and Abductions Phenomena (Experiencers).

Murray Toews – Certified Field Investigator

Murray Toews holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) with First-Class Honours from the University of Manitoba and an undergraduate of Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Philosophy and English from the University of Winnipeg.
He currently serves as a Media Technologist and Engagement Coordinator for the Immersion Room at Emerging Media and Production (EMP), part of the Centre for Learning and Program Excellence (CLPE) at RRC Polytech. Over the past 20+ years, Murray has specialized in developing and creating interactive educational media tools designed for instructional and educational purposes.

In addition to his professional work, Murray is an accomplished independent filmmaker, writer, visual artist, and animation instructor. His ongoing educational pursuits include coursework in astronomy, physics, psychology, and, most recently, the fundamentals of ufology.

Murray is actively involved in community outreach in Winnipeg, where he recently organized an event at Cinematheque titled “Strangeness Index Presents”. This multifaceted program combines a presentation series, panel discussions, and a screening of films addressing contemporary issues surrounding the UAP/UFO phenomenon. As part of this event, his hybrid short film, The Strangeness Index, a blend of documentary and animation, will premiere at Cinematheque in Winnipeg on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Andy Buckle – Certified Field Investigator

Andy was born and raised in South East England, and has been interested in the topic of Ufology since childhood. He spent his mid-twenties training in Theology & Vocational Ministry, subsequently serving as both a Church planter, and Senior Minister. He has a specific interest in the connection between UFOs/UAP and our understanding of human origins, from ancient history, to narratives passed down through folklore and local tradition.

He is located in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, and works in Municipal Government administration. For fun, Andy moonlights as Wedding Officiant, and is currently a Field Investigator with MUFON ‘Team Canada’.

Rick Cameron – Certified Field Investigator

Rick Cameron grew up in small town Southwestern Ontario and joined the Canadian Armed Forces as a Radio Operator at the age of 17. He served for 23 years with operational deployments to Germany, Syria and Rwanda. Upon his retirement with the rank of Warrant Officer from the Forces, he drove throughout Canada and the United States as a long-haul Truck Driver for the next nine years.
Upon his complete retirement (2013), Rick became involved in Veteran advocacy. Fighting for proper veteran care, recognition, and compensation through briefings to Members of Parliament, news media outlets and the general population.
Rick has had two Close Encounters experiences (CE 1-Sightings), one at the age of six or seven (1967, 68), and another in 2002. These have generated a keen interest in the Field of UFO’s and a thirst for knowledge of the unknown.
Joining MUFON and becoming a Field Investigator with like minded people in the search for answers was a natural progression for Rick.

Barbara Csinos – Certified Field Investigator

While most young girls in the Summer of 1973 were hanging out with friends and chatting about crushes. Barbara was getting her binoculars and setting up her cot on the deck getting ready to spend the night scanning the sky for UFO’s. After several sightings over the years in 2015 a sighting close to her home changed Barbara’s life, and she decided to become a MUFON Field Investigator.
Barbara is a Veteran and currently working as a Security Guard and Investigations for MUFON.

Len Bryden – Certified Field Investigator

Len has been interested in the UFO/UAP phenomenon since childhood and enjoys spending time in nature, always looking to the skies. He calls Nova Scotia home and has traveled extensively throughout Canada and the US. As a MUFON Field Investigator, he plans to bring his passion for the unknown and desire to help others find answers through MUFON Canada.

Pierre L – Certified Field Investigator

Pierre L – My interest for UFOs/UAPs started in my early teens. I still remember reading that one book about a famous case that first really attracted my attention and triggered a continuous interest in UAP since : the “alleged” Villa Boas Abduction case from the fifties. I have since continued reading materials and books on the UAP subject as well as trying to keep up to date via different information platforms now available on the internet.

Shannon Wing – Certified Field Investigator

“I initially joined MUFON Canada out of a personal curiosity. My fascination with the strange and unusual started in childhood watching sci-fi television shows with my parents and flipping through the pages of the National Enquirer. Stories about UFO’s, extra terrestrials, and crop circles have always been a part of my life, and now in the field investigator capacity, I can actively pursue the mystery of “what’s out there”.

In the year 2021, I left a 20-year career behind to pursue other interests. Currently, I investigate MUFON sighting reports of unknown Aerial Objects / Phenomena. My primary interest is working more with experiencers who have seen / report contact with non-terrestrial beings, and I hope to have that opportunity in the future.

Dave Burton – Certified Field Investigator

Dave has had a personal interest in this field for most of his life. In 2008, he had a personal experience of his own that would not only change his perspective on this topic, but intensify his interest. Dave joined MUFON Canada in 2020 and shortly after, he successfully completed the requirements for becoming a Field Investigator, conducting several investigations to date.

After more than 30 years of service, Dave retired from his law enforcement career where he became an expert in digital forensics. The skills he acquired during that time, combined with decades of investigative experience, have been an asset to his investigations with MUFON.

Dave is a seeker of the truth and is guided by evidence and facts. He looks forward to his continuing work with MUFON and supporting this outstanding organization.

Mark Hauck – Certified Field Investigator

I have had a long interest in the studies of UFOs/UAPs. While studying in university, I took several astronomy courses that literally opened my eyes to the stars and the huge complexities of our universe. From these experiences, it became obvious to me that humanity is not alone in the universe. I have long held the view that there needs to be a serious scientific study of the UAP phenomenon. That is where my interest in MUFON started. Consequently, I have now been a Field Investigator for three years, having worked on over 100 cases. Besides, I am a high school teacher. I hold a BA and BEd degrees from the University of Toronto and an MA from McMaster University. 

André Morin – National Director Emeritus – Certified Field Investigator

My name is André Morin. I was born in Montreal, Quebec and have lived here all my life.  However, I have traveled in parts of Quebec and  Ontario as well as in the United States such as New York City, Vermont, Chicago and Florida.  After graduating from high school, I completed two years of CEGEP and also graduated from two correspondence courses in electronics.  Therefore I successfully passed the examination to become an amateur radio operator.  During 2008 I also successfully passed the MUFON field investigator test on my first attempt.

I was married and my wife died many years later.  She died because of complications due to severe diabetes. Mostly I have worked full-time as a mail room clerk.  I also have experience in filing in an office, recruiting, canvassing and sales. Moreover I also worked as a messenger. Throughout all these years, I did part-time volunteer work as a tutor. I tutored arithmetic, algebra, geometry, functions, calculus, physics, chemistry, electronics, French and English. 

I retired about five years ago. I never saw a UFO, but both my father and my mother saw a UFO.  They told me about it.  That is the reason why I became interested in UFOs when I first was seven years old.  It has been a long and interesting  winding road.  As the years passed, I continued to watch documentaries on television and read magazines and books concerning UFOs.  I joined a small group called the Montreal UFO Study Group.  During 1991, I joined another UFO group in Montreal loosely associated with MUFON. During 2008, I became a member of MUFON International. Soon after, I  successfully passed the field investigator test and completed a fair number of cases.  Later I was promoted to National Director of MUFON Canada. After about five years, I became National Director Emeritus and it’s a great pleasure to keep encouraging people to become members of MUFON and see them all successfully passing the FI examination test. Moreover, I will keep on doing it for myself, MUFON Canada Team, also MUFON worldwide.